
Walks on the beach

I have finally been taking walks along the beach – I guess I took it for granted for awhile – but it is finally perfect weather and less busy. I walk 20 minutes to the nearest beach and sit and watch the waves crash against the sand. It is so peaceful. I decided that one day I have to live near the ocean and for longer than 5 months! One day at the beginning of June, I was just sitting in the sand because it was such a nice day. As I was watching the surfers and the waves I noticed dolphins. There were a few people on the beach that day as well. They were watching the dolphins as well. It was spectacular; the dolphins were riding the waves. The water was so crystal clear that I could see the dolphins in the wave even when they were under the water. It was obvious that they are made to streamline and move quickly throw the water. They would also jump out of the water. One time one dolphin jumped out and landed on another dolphin. It was just so amazing to watch and it made me want to be out there with them. I decided that I would ‘learn’ how to surf (more just figure out how to paddle out) so that I can swim with the dolphins. I just want a means to get out closer to them. My dream is to swim with dolphins one day and observe them more. Ever since Sea World, (only a few years ago) I got the idea that I should be a dolphin trainer. I am just a bit behind; most kids have this dream when they are 8, not 19! The only thing about this day that I am sad about was that I didn’t have my camera. However, I bet if I had had my camera I wouldn’t have actually watched the dolphins. I also don’t think that pictures would have captured the experience.

Today (June 11) I walked on the beach as well. I went to the market down by kings beach and after decided to make the trek back to Friends (to skype) by walking along the beach. As I was walking in the sand barefoot I saw a group of people gathered around something. I couldn’t tell what it was and thought maybe it was a turtle – it was light in color and was not moving (at least not very fast). But as I got closer, I noticed it was clear and it was a jellyfish. One of the girls gathered around it was kicking it around - of course only touching the top of it and not the tentacles. I wonder if she knew that the tops don’t sting you because of Finding Nemo, because that is how I know! They told me I should touch it – so I reached my foot out and squished it. It was dead so I didn’t feel to bad stepping on its head?! Or whatever I was stepping on. It was squishy put structured as well. So interesting. I just wish again that I had brought my camera. The beach was very busy today because it was so nice today (and since it is the middle of winter here nice days are harder to come by – as in there will be one or two bad days a week instead of all of them that are nice!) I got a little further down the beach and noticed a family looking at the ground. It was another jellyfish. So I stopped again to touch it will my foot and observe it. I ha never seen a jellyfish on the beach until today, something must have been up. Maybe there was a jellyfish killer somewhere out at sea today and they washed up? I am not up on my jellyfish facts, so I am not sure what could have been going on.

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