
Zenathemba children's home

I work in a children's home on Mondays from about 3-5. It is something I look forward to each week. There are 6 kids living there right now ranging from 2 years to 11 years. They have either been neglected by their parents, or taken away by the social workers, or in some cases they are found under bridges or in garbage dumps. Some of them have AIDS and some don't. I think the owners of the house (where the kids are staying) said that there is currently one with AIDS in the home. The kids don't go to school and the oldest girl (11) is at about a 1st grade level. The 8 year old boy Henri barely knows the alphabet and can only spell his name and maybe cat and dog. However, they are all very eager to learn!

A couple of weeks ago Hanna (the other girl who goes with me) and backed some cupcakes and brought frosting and spinkles for the kids to make their own snake! They seemed to love it and really enjoy eating sugar. They normally get apples for a snack. It was obvious an hour later that they had had sugar.. they were bouncing off the walls and runny around like wild monkeys. haha It was great to watch them do something that they were not used to doing. They were very careful with putting the icing on and some were putting more on than others! I took pictures of the event :)

This past Monday was great at the home as well but also sad at the end! I was having a rough day on Monday and wasn't feeling well, which made me not want to play with kids. But I went anyway and I am so glad I did. We were playing outside when Henri (the 8 year old boy) came up to me and and told me...

"You are black" He said, "The clouds are white (as he pointed at them) and said you are not white you are black!"

I tried to keep my cool and not laugh. But it was hilarious. I also tried to explain to him that I was just dark not really black. I don't really know if it worked but it made my day better. Later, when we went inside Henri brought me a book (a kids encyclopedia) to read to him. So I sat on the couch reading that as well as another animal book - where he would try to sound out the words. I was glad I was able to help him learn! Then later Zen (a 3 year old little boy) came and sat on my lap - after he hit his head and was crying - and we looked at the book together. I felt like I was able to bond with the kids more and it made my day.

Everyday when we leave the kids run up to us and give us huge hugs and try to climb up us. It is usually a ten minute ordeal to get out of the house! But I love it.. I feel so loved :) and I just know that I will end up crying when I leave! But last monday was different.. the owner of the house told us that Layla (one of the littlest girls - maybe 2) was going to be leaving the next day and hopefully going back to her family. I was so sad because just that day I was thinking about how she was my favorite and how I would love to adopt a little girl like her someday. I gave her one last little hug and then past her on to Hanna. It was sad but also happy that she would hopefully get to go back to her Mom and Dad. I just hope and pray that she will have a blessed and happy life.

I love working at Zanthemba and I feel so blessed to be able to serve while I am here in South Africa. I think the kids are teaching me way more than I could ever teach them!

1 comment:

  1. Kristen- I'm so glad that you are getting these experiences while in South Africa. I understand what you mean when you say that you are learning more from the kids than you could ever teach them...but, you may be unaware how special you are to them too!:) Soak it up! AND p.s.- I call you black all the time too:)


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