
Bob and Trish Juggling

The famous acrobatic/juggling couple of Korea and the WORLD!  

I met this super cool couple who do a juggling and acrobatic mix of awesomeness. They perform and compete in contests, make YouTube videos and entertain their students on a regular basis in Korea!

Check out their facebook page to see some of their videos, you won't be sad. They are pretty fantastic and will impress you with their mad skillzzz!

They juggle clubs and ride unicycles...

They juggle rings back to back... 


They do acrobatic stunts...

They combine the two...

 Bob juggles basketballs...

They juggle balls and pass them...

And they even juggle while hugging - coined 'huggling'...

Seriously. What can't they do? 

Working with acrobatic, athletic artists who love life, love being creative and of course trying new things was fantastic. I have never photographed jugglers before. I was a bit intimidated and not sure how to go about photographing people who throw things around! But I quickly realized when you combine an interesting sport with creative people you'll clearly get some fantastic images. Duh, I had nothing to worry about!

I'm so glad I got the chance to meet and get to know this lovely couple while living in Korea! I feel honored to say I photographed them :)

Their motto: Live Fully Love Truly - LFLT.

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